Tuesday, July 14, 2009

a lot of words

this blog is accruing words at an increasing rate, some of which are easy and some of which are difficult. additional observation: the difficulty of the thoughts alters with the difficulty of the words. tentative conclusion: the difficulty of articulated language is directly related to the difficulty of the ideas expressed. question: is the relationship a so-called "two-way street" or is there a causal direction? do complex ideas require complex language, or does complex language complicate ideas? or are ideas and language so inextricably intwined (i.e., ideas cannot be formulated without language, and the use of language necessarily involves the formulation of an idea) that their relative "difficulties" are also intwined? we might recall wittgenstein's proposals in the tractatus and the investigations, respectively: that common language disguises ideas and philosophical language unclothes them, and that philosophical language confuses ideas while common language clarifies them. the contradictory nature of wittgenstein's own conclusions may lead us to a new one: contradiction is the very basis of rational discourse, that to be conscious of an idea is to be conscious of its contradiction, and that in the contradiction between contradiction and itself, we might discover an important relationship between our thoughts and their linguistic expression... or we might not.

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